Thursday, October 7, 2010

Neglectful Blogger... Random Post

I feel like if I don't have proper pictures I should not blog.
I know it's weird... but I personally don't like reading  blogs that lack {good} pictures...

I have been wanting to blog about my amazing weekend with Ordy and the family, but BOTH my cameras are in my sister's possession... If you know me, you know how hard this weekend was for me. Especially, with the North GA State Fair on the agenda- it couldn't go undocumented!!! So, I borrowed Ordy's mom's camera, only I don't have anything compatible to take the pics off the camera until I borrow her cord this weekend... so, when I get that I'll update with pics. I just feel like I haven't blogged in forever, and who knows when I get the pics!
These are from last year...

Saturday morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m. (CRAZY! I know!) to join Ordy's mom and some other lovely ladies to hit up the Avondale Yard Sale... that'll get it's own post soon! {with pics}

Realizing I have to make ROOM for the stuff, I finally got fed up with the extra stuff around the house and will be having a yard sale THIS weekend at Sher's. It's not going to be a junky yard sale, and I think I need to make it clear- if things don't sell I'm ok with taking them back home... i'm not DYING to get rid of stuff that I have to lose something I paid $80 for .50... So, I'm selling stuff for $5 or $10 and justifying at least getting SOMETHING for them... We'll see. I am torn because I can see some people thinking it's over priced compared to the average $1 yard sale... but I can see other people who know the value of the item understanding it's a steal at $5... I dunno why I care so much haha it either sells or it doesn't!

Yesterday, I went to Target to buy some J.R. Watkin's soap- i'm a sucker for marketing and have been eyeing this bottle for a while! I went to THE CUTEST ACE HARDWARE (weird, I know- but it's near Decatur so that's probably why!) and it was $11 at Ace!!! so cute, but not THAT cute... 

Picture phone proof of the Ace Awesomeness: 

eiffel tower french toast mold my sister bought me!

cute stationary, magnets. gifts, bags- at ACE?!?!

adorable vinyl fabric for tablecloths by the yard!

*insert heavenly music here*

i mean, who would think u got it at Ace?

too cute
back to the soap...

I later saw it was $8'ish on the website (not including shipping)... and then CREEPY SISTER moment, I went to wash my hands in my sister's guest bathroom and THERE IT WAS!!! she said it was 2.99 at target on clearance and I couldn't wait to go see... I was praying really hard it would be on sale at my Target... it wasn't. but it was $4.19, with a $1 instant coupon... i'll take it! that and the all purpose counter spray :) too cute. (but I am still obsessed with my Meyer's {Basil} products!)

While in Target, I found this adorable lamp shade. It wasn't in the lampshade aisle and when I went to go scan the price nothing came up. part of me knew it was going to be $24.99 and i shouldn't even bother... but i took it to the front anyway. call it gut instinct?... anyway, it wasn't in the system and they had to call a manager and he said it was $3.74. umm hello, put it in my cart now and let me check out before you change your mind or someone corrects you...

Wednesday night my sister and the kids stopped by and we had a last minute dinner at my house with my step mom and Ordy. I made the chicken casserole that I learned from Ordy's sister and it was a huge hit!!! Super easy and super yummy.
Wednesday Dozen:


  1. I am getting some of this soap! P.S. We have a realllly cute Ace near my mom's house but things are generally a little overpriced. I love going for clearance sales after Christmas- their holiday decor is great!

  2. Lori! I LOVE IT! i was torn between orange and this, but yellow IS my favorite color! and omg i never thought about after xmas sale! i am sooooo going! even their halloween decoration was cute and i'm not a huge halloween decorator, i like fall! gah i can't wait to go back!
