Before I mislead you... Bandit is still missing. We didn't find him this weekend... but we did find something else... and because of Bandit. Get ready, because here is a crazy story...
2 months ago we got a call from an elderly woman that she spotted Bandit... She was 100% sure it was him, she was outside washing her bicycle and said he came SO close to her she could have grabbed him. She said he was so gentle, just stood next to her watching her, but his size startled her and she got up and shooed him away with her broom... I guess I can't blame her because she is older and if a great dane/pit bull was just staring at me I might be scared too... I am sad though. She said she regret it later when she saw how mild mannered he was. She called me after she spotted a flier two days later... I misunderstood her and HAULED AAA to her house to scan the neighborhood- along with 6 other people... She said she felt bad to break it to me that the spotting was two days prior.
Her husband told me their property backed up to 40 acres of "dog haven" and that a lot of lost dogs hang out back their because of the creek, running field, and railroad tracks. He said the property was actually owned by HIS neighbor, who was a bed ridden 98 year old woman who wouldn't notice if we wanted to sneak back in the property to scan the field for our lost pup. Remember pictures of the gorgeous
property here?
At the time, I was too busy boo-hooing and sobbing over Bandit to even notice how gorgeous the property was. In fact, I was miserable. I was eaten by mosquitoes and cut up by all the brier, not to mention scanning the property feverishly for my dog- all while screaming his name. Fast forward two months.
I had a dream Thursday. In this dream, Ordy and I were getting married on this property. In the dream I saw all of my ideas and I woke up ecstatic. I was so excited my emails to Ordy were almost incomprehensible... I was giddy and I said, "THIS IS IT. THIS IS WHERE WE ARE GETTING MARRIED." I had to refresh his memory and remind him about the property. I said, "the 40 acres we searched for B! Remember??!" Vaguely. You see, we both were pretty caught up in the search.
Ordy and I made it our mission to go ask the kind elderly couple if they wouldn't mind putting in the request to their neighbor, the lady who actually owned the property. We knew they had a better relationship with her and it might help us if they asked her if "friends" of theirs could get married on her property, vs. some random kids who might have a drunken party on her property...
We went up there this Saturday afternoon and the gentleman remembered us immediately, he asked if we had found our dog... we let him know we didn't, but we were there to see if he wouldn't mind putting in the good word about possibly getting married in the field...
He said, "I have good news and maybe bad news..." We held our breaths, I had no clue what he was about to tell us. "The lady who owns the property died two nights ago. But her daughter and her husband are here settling up final affairs." WHAT?! Wait, what?! SO the lady passed away the night I had the dream?? Goosebumps. Creepy. Too weird.
We hesitated for a few moments whether or not we should bother the daughter in this time of mourning to hassle her with our proposition, but the fact that they were leaving in the morning to go back home to Florida made me want to at least leave my contact information and put a face to the proposal, I wanted them to at least meet Ordy and I.
I was so nervous, I pushed Ordy to the front of their door and whispered, "YOU'RE doing all the talking!!" He just gave me a look and rolled his eyes. "Chicken." He knocked on the door and I felt my stomach fall. But the moment that door opened and a smiling lady opened the door, my heart was at ease. I could just see in her kind face we could pitch our idea to her. I was expecting someone bawling with tissues wadded up in their hands and feeling like a jerk for even knocking. I was relieved.
Ordy did all of the talking, I found myself reinforcing stuff like, "I PROMISE we'll clean up afterward, and leave it better than we found it!" I saw the husband chuckle in the corner of the kitchen. The daughter was just grinning ear to ear. After we were done with the proposal, the husband was still laughing and the lady finally spoke, "OF COURSE you can get married there!!!! But are you SURE?!??! It's been abandoned for years!!!! You have to do so much to it!!!" That's when Ordy said the term, "bush hog" for the first time in my life (and I heard it many more times after that)- telling them he'd bring out a tractor and level it and promise not to have any cars park on the property. The husband finally spoke (while still laughing, almost in disbelief that anyone would want to get married back there), "listen, if you do ANYTHING back there, you'd be improving it... y'all need to get back there and make sure you want to do it there..."
Are you kidding? Of course we want it there! It's GORGEOUS and would be the perfect backdrop for my "backyard wedding" concept!!! We exchanged contact information and we talked for a few more minutes regarding logistics, and it was apparent they could care less what we did- in fact the husband suggested a fun bonfire. Um, hello perfect wedding. I was so happy I hugged the lady and squeezed her with glee. The couple was so sweet and perplexed why we would want to get married there, but you could tell they were just happy to make our day in such a way! I bet they never expected that question when we knocked on their door!
They told us to consider the property ours for the wedding and to feel free to go back there whenever for planning. Ordy told him plans for bush-hogging and the husband said, "good luck..." Ordy said, "that's hard work I enjoy doing, sir. It'll be worth it." I think they're happy we're even doing anything there, mostly the clearing out of 10 years worth of growth. This was such a blessing I can't even put to words, but I just tried. Thank you Bandit, in some way leading us there. All that would make it perfect is for you to show up for the wedding. I swear I would mess up my dress for you, I would scoop you up in my arms and never let go... Thank you for our blessing and for our wedding venue. We couldn't have found a better place with better people. You are the best dog even while away- good looking out :) {Really, I'm thanking Jesus, don't think I'm thanking a dog- but through Bandit we found the place!}
Here are some pictures, I know you want to see! Please imagine the grass cut down and a lot of work done...
What do you think, think we're crazy?? Too much work?? Um, any help as far as practically making this work are welcome... I hope my guests don't hate me... But, I'm truly in love!