Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oh, the memories...

I decided to start a personal blog… Not because I care to share my life with the entire world wide web- but because journals have become extinct and outdated. Gone are the days where I’d pour hours into my trusty journal… I’ll admit it, technology has made me lazy- I find my hand cramping as soon as the next sentence is formed and my thoughts begin to focus on my sloppy handwriting caused by the hand cramping and I start to forget what I originally intended to write about…

Also, gone are the days where I complain about strict parents, mean siblings, or school decisions. I will continue to discuss love- because what’s a journal without it? I like keeping up with stuff (even though at times I cringe when looking back old journals), ultimately I appreciate the memories. I relive the moments, whether joyous or not- and realize through the hard times, the present being the future- that there actually IS a light at the end of the tunnel! It would bring a smile to my face to realize how I used to think it was the end of the world and scribble in my journal how everything was falling apart- only to realize now that I couldn’t even remember what upset me so much had I not read about it as a reminder. Such petty things. Oh, the memories.

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